Your Community for Life Event 2023 Highlights

Thank you so much to all of you who attended YCFL to celebrate the work of CPCI and the thousands of lives impacted by our non profit medical clinic throughout the state of Florida.

Rebuilding in Florida After Hurricane Ian

As Florida continues to reel from the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, our thoughts and prayers are with all of those who have been impacted by this terrible storm. Since 1974, CPCI has been a part of the Southwest Florida community and our hearts are with all of those who have been affected.

CPCI’s 2022 LifeSaver Event

As the premiere pregnancy resource center in Southwest Florida, Community Pregnancy Clinics has gained the reputation as the the best pro-life organization to donate to. Our annual Life Saver Event […]

The Truth About Pregnancy Care Centers

CPCI’s CEO Scott Baier spoke alongside a panel of pro-life executives at the monthly Luncheons for Life gathering in Fort Myers, Florida. With over 150 pro-life advocates in attendance, Scott and three other pregnancy resource center leaders participated in a Q&A panel discussion. Their insights and expertise allowed the audience to understand the full scope of services that are being provided at their organizations to women and families experiencing crisis pregnancies.