In The Media

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Your Support allows us to spread the message that life matters, recourses are available, & women are not alone on their journey.

Scott Baier Interview on The Bob Harden Show – Dec. 14th

The Community Pregnancy Clinics (CPCI), Florida's largest and one of the nation's oldest pregnancy resource centers, offers services such as pregnancy support, education, and referrals across multiple locations and mobile clinics. CEO Scott Baier discussed the recent defeat of Amendment Four, highlighting the misleading language and emphasizing future pro-life advocacy....

Scott Baier Interview on The Bob Harden Show – Aug. 20th

In a recent episode of the Bob Harden Show, Bob Harden interviews Scott Baier, CEO...

Scott Baier Interview on The Bob Harden Show – Amendment 4 and Abortion In Florida

Scott Baier Interview on The Bob Harden Show

Pregnancy Centers Must Be Ready To Serve – Pregnancy Help News

Community Pregnancy Clinics Celebrate 50 Years – Diocese of Venice In Florida

CEO Scott Baier Reflects on CPCI’s 50th Anniversary and Impactful Journey Post-Gala With CFN

The Bob Harden Show highlights Pam Stenzel Discussing The Latest Florida Supreme court Rulings

The Bob Harden Show highlights CPCI and its 50th Anniversary

CPCI’s 50th Anniversary Highlighted on

A special message from our 50th Anniversary Gala guest speaker, Michael Knowles

CPCI CEO Scott Baier talks current pro-life events and 50th anniversary on Bob Harden Show

Listen to a special message from Sam Sorbo about our upcoming 50th Anniversary Gala!