Letter From CEO

Scott Baier
Dear Supporters,
In 1974, from humble beginnings, CPCI launched its mission in Naples to save babies by helping women in need. CPCI has relentlessly pursued that mission expanding its services and service area as it acquired the financial support to do so. Today, 50 years later, CPCI is the leading force for life in the state of Florida.
2023 was quite a year for CPCI. CPCI delivered over 7,600 services around the state of Florida to women and men in need. While economic, political, and societal realities continue to worsen, the need for our help continues to grow. At the same time, our mission to reach abortion minded women also continues to expand.
We heightened our efforts to reach women where they go for help, to Google on their phones. Through our digital marketing efforts guided by Filla Life Media, a national leader in the pro-life movement, we continue to reach an ever-increasing number of abortion-minded women. For this reason, we have now crossed over the 23,000 babies saved mark since beginning in 1974.
Our S.H.A.R.E. (Sexual Health and Relationship Education) Program also continues to grow with 11,735 lives touched this past year alone. By reaching middle school, high school and college students with the messages of sexual integrity, we are helping to reduce the number of future unplanned pregnancies which will consequently reduce the number of abortions occurring in the state of Florida in the years to come.
Thank you – because you are the “investors” helping us take a stand against the evil of abortion. With your investments of time, talent, and treasure, you are impacting the lives of so many men, women, and children. Because of your generosity, CPCI stands with you, ready to take on the greatest challenge of our day. The time for hope has never been greater. Thank you for speaking and acting with us in this momentous effort at this critical time in our nation’s history. Thank you for your continued support of CPCI, your involvement is changing hearts and saving lives.
Best regards in Christ,
In 2023
Babies Saved From
Abortion In 2023
Abortion In 2023
Clients Provided With
Gifted Necessities
Gifted Necessities
Personal Follow-Ups
With Clients
With Clients
Free & Confidential Services Provided
- Pregnancy Tests
- Ultrasounds
- STI Testing (Chlamydia and Gonorrhea)
- Material Assistance (Providing free baby items up until the child is 3 years old)
- Abortion Pill Rescue
- Counseling
- Education
- SHARE Program