Scott Baier Interview on The Bob Harden Show – Aug. 20th


Welcome back to the Bob Harden show. And now here’s your host Bob Harden. 

Bob Harden 

Thanks so much for joining us here on the show. Today we have with us Scott Baier. Scott is the CEO of the Community Pregnancy Clinics. Scott, thank you so much for joining us here on the show. 

Scott Baier 

Good morning Bob. It’s always great to be with you. 

Bob Harden 

Thank you. Scott. Tell us about the Community Pregnancy Clinics. 

Scott Baier 

So we are the one of the largest and oldest in the country of pregnancy resource centers providing care, compassion and choices for men and women around the state of Florida, all the way from Naples, up to the University of Florida at Gainesville. And again we’re providing care, compassion and choices with pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, community referrals, counseling, and just a lot of love that’s free of charge for the patients that we serve. 

Bob Harden 

Not only during the pregnancy period and birth, but also providing support afterwards, too. It’s a terrific organization. Again, the Community Pregnancy Clinics. So, Scott, we have a choice to make on the Fourth Amendment coming up in November. That’s the Fourth Amendment to the Florida state constitution. Seems pretty benign, but when you dig into it, it’s it’s not good. Maybe you can tell us about it. 

Scott Baier 

Sure. Now, amendment four, it hasn’t changed. It’s still 34 words of vague and deceptive language, a lot of lack of definitions. For instance, viability is not defined, a patient’s health is not defined, who a health care provider would be is not defined, which implies that there wouldn’t be a physician involved. It would be the only medical procedure that wouldn’t need parental consent for minors. But there’s a little two words, you know, two words at the beginning of the amendment that aren’t vague that says “no law.” No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion. So for people who first hear about this, it’s disbelief. They can hardly believe that this is actually on the ballot. And once they do kind of hear the details, they’re just amazed. And they’re actually, we’re happy to say 85%, we found of people who first hear about the amendment will turn away from it and commit to vote no, even if they are pro-choice. No matter where they fall on the spectrum, this is a radical and extreme amendment, and we’re doing our part just to educate people about it.

Bob Harden 

Well, thank you for that summary. And you know, the again, it’s going to be on the ballot on on November the fifth. And to encourage our listeners, if you have it, where can people find out more or read about the amendment or get more information? 

Scott Baier 

Yes. There’s a couple of websites I would really highlight. One is, that’s and the other is, that’s 

Bob Harden 

Thank you Scott for that. So um, and what’s really surprising about this is apparently the wording was put together by the Supreme Court of Florida. 

Scott Baier 

Well, it wasn’t put together by them actually. Who wrote the amendment? We know who wrote it. And that’s of course, the abortionists themselves. Planned Parenthood had a hand in writing it, the ACLU had a hand in writing it, as well as other George Soros funded groups. So the Florida state Supreme Court didn’t write it, but they did allow the verbiage to stay on the ballot. Chief Justice Muniz even said that it’s a wolf in wolf’s clothing./ They weren’t deciding the merits of the amendment, but they did allow the vague and deceptive language to stay in the amendment, so we can’t blame them totally. In fact, a few of the dissenting justices happened to be three women against the four men. One was Justice Francis, who, quote, said, “this is a Trojan horse for the elimination of any recognition of the states interest in protecting what Roe determined potential life.” And even governor DeSantis came out recently, saying that if this amendment passes, it would effectively mean the end of the pro-life movement in Florida, meaning that no law again will be ablet to prohibit, penalize, delay or restrict abortions. So our duly elected officials would have no chance to make changes to protect human life, which is really a constitutional crisis, because not only our state constitution, in section two, on basic rights, protects all human persons as well as the 14th amendment of our national Constitution that says no state shall deprive any person of life liberty or property. So this is a huge issue. I think people in Florida need to know that obviously it’s bad for babies because it kills them, it’s bad for women because it harms them, but it’s also bad for all of Florida because we’re going to teach people that it’s okay, that it’s okay to take human life at the earliest stages. 

Bob Harden 

Very sad indeed. So we have to. And again, what’s the threshold? Is it 60% to pass an amendment? Is it? 

Scott Baier 

60%. Andrecent polls have actually swayed our way a little bit. We’re still not comfortable with it because there is that margin of error. But the last poll I saw was the USA today poll that showed about 57% of Floridians are for the amendment. That’s down from 68% last month. So we’re moving in the right direction. But still, this is not a comfortable position to be in when you’re that close. And again, $32 million have been put in the state of Florida from the abortion industry, which has a vested interest in seeing this amendment pass, obviously. But 32 million is just for starters and they expect another 20 to $30 million to come into Florida. Wow. It will hit the airwaves. You’re going to see television commercials and radio ads. And so after Labor Day, we really expect this to ramp up. And that’s why it’s so important for people to get educated and get out theremake sure you’re you’re registered to vote and get out there and educate people about this amendment. 

Bob Harden 

Thank you. Scott. Can you give us those websites again? 

Scott Baier 

Absolutely. So it’s and the other is, that’s 

Bob Harden 

Thank you Scott. Before I let you go you have a Lifesaver Festival coming up. Can you tell us about it. 

Scott Baier 

Absolutely. We’re in our 50th anniversary year having started in 1974. So we’re going to end the year on October 5th down at Paradise Coast Park, the new multi-million dollar facility down there in Collier County. And we’re just going to have a celebration of life. We’re going to talk a little bit about amendment four, I’m sure and then we’re going to just have a lot of fun with foodtrucks and bounce houses and live music and bring people together to talk about all the great work we’ve done over the last 50 years, and about what we have planned for the next 50.

Bob Harden 

Sounds great. And where can we get more information? 

Scott Baier, and if someone’s in need of our services, they can go to 

Bob Harden 

Scott Baier, again CEO of the Community Pregnancy Clinics. Scott, I really appreciate your commentary here on the show. Thanks so much for joining us. Thank you. 

Scott Baier 

Bob, thank you keep up the great. 

Bob Harden 

Work. You as well. Thank you Scott. Great organization have been to this some of the events and met some of the kids that they’ve saved and and families. It’s just really remarkable work. All right. We’re going to have more here on the Bob Harden show on the Bob Harden Broadcasting Network. 


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Community Pregnancy Clinics believes that our hearts know the truth of who we truly are. We all have immeasurable value and worth which is why we offer care, compassion, and choices to our clients.